- Make inferences from two different sources: story and movie
- Orally present the comparison of two sources by using signal words, such as 相反地、不同的是、不过、然而
Teaching Materials
day5_act2_worksheet (for students)
day5_act2_worksheet answers(for teachers)
Help students to recall the personalities/characters of Mulan focused in the story and guide them to give supporting details from the text
- 表达看法的时候你会使用什么词语? (觉得、认为)
- 看PPT(Slide 2),昨天比较了课文和电影中的木兰,请看这个图表,你认为木兰是个什么样的人?(学生回答)
- 这里说到木兰“想要做自己”,我们怎么知道的?她唱《真情的自我》。(答案:木兰唱《真情的自我》,我们知道她想要做自己。这就是做推论。)
在电影里,木兰 唱《真情的自我》,可以推论出 她想要做自己。
- 故事里说到木兰“孝顺”,我们怎么知道的?(答案:她代替爸爸去当兵)
- Pair-work: Use the above sentences patterns to practice. Find evidence from the story to support that Mulan’s 英勇and the evidence from the movie to support that Mulan is different from other girls.
活动二 (day5_ppt, Slide #4-6)
The teacher passes out the worksheet “day5_act2_worksheet” and remind students not to write on them while watching the clip the first time. (Teachers can check the answers in “day5_act2_worksheet answers”).
Clip 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDK45-sqyVQ
- Pause 1(0:24): 为什么木兰说“我能骗得了谁啊?” (答案:担心被发现)
After volunteering students answer the question, the teacher will demo how to fill in the worksheet (also see the example on Slide #5 in “day5_ppt”).
- Pause 2(2:01):木兰为什么说“我从没做过这种事”,她现在的心情怎么样?(答案:紧张、害怕、怕被发现是女的)
Students work in pairs to complete the second inference.
- Pause 3(2:12): 影片里有一个课文中没有的角色,为什么电影中会出现木须龙呢? (答案:因为是电影,有一些不是真的人物,会让电影更有意思。)
This is not an inferential question. The purpose of asking this question is to bring their attention to the features of movie. (This fake character makes the movie more entertaining.)
Clip 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3zzRby69lc
第四段影片是木兰去了军营以后发生的事情。让学生两两合作,继续完成学习单。(day5_ppt, Slide # 7-8)
- Pause 1(0:40):别的士兵对木兰怎么样?
- Pause 2(2:24):请看木兰的表情,她现在心情怎么样?
Pause 3(3:03): 木兰现在的心情怎么样? (答案:开心、激动;她努力后,爬上了那根杆子。)
活动 三: Graphic Organizer (day5_ppt, Slide # 9)
- Distribute the worksheet-day5_act3_worksheet. Present the graphic organizer on Slide #9 to the class. To demonstrate, do the first two rows as a whole class.
a. 请看这个组织图,我们比较课本和电影。先看第一个, “来源”是什么?对,从哪里来。课文是从哪里来的? (中国)
b. 第二是读者,给谁看的,课文写给谁看的? (中国学生)
- Small group: divide students into a group of 4.
a. Explain and practice the sentence patterns that students will use to fill out the part 3 in the graphic organizer: “分析:木兰是个怎么样的人?你怎么知道?
1 课文提到________,所以我认为_________。
b. Whole class: Each group share their sentence strips. Then combine similar ones. Summarize the key words in the story and movie.
( 课文:孝顺、勇敢、爱父母;
活动四: Oral Practice: compare and contrast the two sources
- Direct students’ attention to Signal Words Poster in ppt Slide #11 (相反地、不同的是、不过、然后、并没有, etc.).
- The teacher asks 1-2 students to name the words from the poster. Then, the teacher gives an example of using one of the Signal Words to compare these two source, such as电影里的木兰担心、害怕,课本里并不是这样。).
- Ask each group to compare Mulan’s personalities portrayed in the two sources by using those words.
- Teacher will walk around and provide feedback (correct sentence structure uses, make sure that contrasting and comparing are clearly presented).
- Then, each group orally present their findings.
- Based on what students have shared, prompt students to think about the last category: purpose in the last part of the graphic organizer
(目的: 为什么作者要这样描写木兰?)
- The teacher prompts by saying: “我们看到这个表格,文本和电影的来源、他们的读者和所要展现的花木兰都不太一样,作者为什么这样描写花木兰呢?” (possible answers: 中国的教育学生,美国的娱乐大众;中国美国文化背景,重家庭重孝义,美国重个人,重男女平等)
活动五Evaluative comprehension
- 课文和电影里的木兰不太一样,你更喜欢哪一个?为什么?你有三分钟时间,请跟一个旁边的伙伴讨论。下课的时候,请告诉我,你更喜欢哪一个,并告诉我一个你的理由。
- Exit ticket: each student says which Mulan they like and give at least one reason.